Agenda item

17/01417/FUL - Land East of Musley Bank House Musley Bank Malton


17/01417/FUL - Erection of detached 5 bedroom dwelling with integral double garage to include terrace at first floor level and 55no. integrated solar panels, together with formation of access drive and reinforced grass turning circle, formation of a wildflower meadow and additional landscaping.





Members wished to grant approval contrary to officer recommendation after having fully considered the officer report and following extensive debate on the merits of the application.


In the exercise of its statutory discretion to determine planning applications in accord with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise, the Planning Committee weighed all the material considerations of this case in the decision making balance and reached a planning judgement that weighed in favour of approval.


PERMISSION GRANTED contrary to officer recommendation.


Voting Result

5 For

4 Against

0 Abstentions



In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, Councillor Goodrick declared a personal, non-pecuniary but not prejudicial interest as a Member of the AONB Joint Advisory Committee and left the meeting for the duration of the item.

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