Agenda item

18/00080/FUL - The Old Vicarage Hogg Lane North Grimston Malton


18/00080/FUL - Erection of two storey extension to north elevation including single storey porch and formation of terrace with steps down to sunken garden with east and west boundary walls, erection of replacement entrance canopy and replacement of 5no. windows to south elevation, replacement of 2no. windows to east elevation and erection of two storey bay window, replacement of 2no. windows and formation of terrace with steps up to lawns to west elevation following demolition of existing rear extensions, together with erection of a one bedroom self-contained guest cottage and erection of a detached garage/car port with loggia to south elevation and office/store room above following demolition of existing outbuildings, together with alterations to existing vehicular access.





PERMISSION GRANTED – Subject to conditions as recommended.


[For 9                                                  Against 0                                           Abstain 0]


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