Agenda item

17/01281/MFUL - Land North East of Rock Cottage Pickering


17/01281/MFUL - Erection of carriage stable with associated storage, staff facilities and service facilities for up to 40no. carriages from the running fleet, erection of workshop for the restoration of historic carriages with associated staff facilities including accommodation, formation of an additional 12no. parking spaces and formation of new vehicular access bridge to replace existing access over Pickering Beck together with additional landscaping.





PERMISSION GRANTED – Subject to conditions as recommended and final comments from the Archaeology section.


[For 7                                                  Against 1                                           Abstain 1]



In accordance with the Member’s Code of Conduct, Councillors Farnell, J Andrews, Maud, P Andrews, Goodrick and Sanderson declared a personal non-prejudicial but not pecuniary interest.

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