Agenda item

To consider for Approval the Recommendations in respect of the following Part 'B' Committee Items:

Policy and Resources Committee - 22 September 2016


Minute 26 - Scrutiny Review - Council Property Assets (page 21)


[Exempt Information: That under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for any discussion of the annex to this item as there would be a likely disclosure of exempt information relating the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).]


Licensing Committee - 27 September 2016


Minute 5 - Deregulation Act 2015: Changes to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy including Review of Fees (page 51)



Policy and Resources Committee - 22 September 2016


Minute 26 - Scrutiny Review - Council Property Assets


It was moved by Councillor Cowling and seconded by Councillor Steve Arnold that the following recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee be approved and adopted.


That Members agree the policy for the future management of the Council's property portfolio as recommended in the report of the Scrutiny review of Council assets.


Policy and Resources Committee recommends that Council consider a change to the final bullet point of Principles (page 2 of the Report) to say;


"That the proceeds of the sale of any of the assets be used to support the delivery of the Council's priorities."


Councillor Burr moved and Councillor Paul Andrews seconded the following amendment:


The addition of a further bullet point to the Principles to read:


"For disposal of any Council owned asset used for car parking, decisions should be made in the context of a car parking policy."


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


Voting Record

15 For

6 Against

4 Abstentions


Councillor Clark then moved and Councillor Joy Andrews seconded a further amendment as follows:


This item is referred back to the Committees for further consideration.


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


Voting Record

6 For

14 Against

3 Abstentions


The Chief Executive reassured Members that officers would not dispose of any major assets without coming back to Council if the policy was adopted.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.




That Council agree the policy for the future management of the Council's property portfolio as recommended in the report of the Scrutiny review of Council assets, with a change to the final bullet point of Principles (page 2 of the Report) to say:


"That the proceeds of the sale of any of the assets be used to support the delivery of the Council's priorities."


            And the addition of a further bullet point to the Principles to read:


            "For disposal of any Council owned asset used for car parking,            decisions should be made in the context of a car parking policy."


Recorded Vote


Councillors Steve Arnold, Val Arnold, Burr, Cleary, Cowling, Cussons, Frank, Gardiner, Ives, Jainu-Deen, Jowitt, Keal, Oxley, Raper, Shields, Wainwright and Windress.



Councillors Joy Andrews, Paul Andrews, Clark, Duncan, Potter and Thornton.





Licensing Committee - 27 September 2016


Minute 5 - Deregulation Act 2015: Changes to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy including Review of Fees


It was moved by Councillor Maud and seconded by Councillor Windress that the following recommendations of the Licensing Committee be approved and adopted.


1. That Council approves the fees set out in Appendix 1 to this report and they be introduced on 1 December 2016.


2. That a proposed new budget structure of three separate accounts for each licence type (1) dual drivers licence (2) hackney carriage vehicle and (3) private hire vehicle and operators be approved and adopted.


3. That a 3 year dual hackney carriage / private hire drivers licence be introduced and that licensing officers use the Department for Transport Best Practice Guidance when considering whether a licence should be issued for a lesser period and that policy be amended to reflect this.


4. That a 5 year private hire operators licence be introduced and that licensing officers use the Department for Transport Best Practice Guidance when considering whether a licence should be issued for a lesser period and that policy be amended to reflect this.


5. That the associated changes affecting school transport licences be phased in linked to the expiry dates of current NYCC contracts.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.





1. That Council approves the fees set out in Appendix 1 to this report and they be introduced on 1 December 2016.


2. That a proposed new budget structure of three separate accounts for each licence type (1) dual drivers licence (2) hackney carriage vehicle and (3) private hire vehicle and operators be approved and adopted.


3. That a 3 year dual hackney carriage / private hire drivers licence be introduced and that licensing officers use the Department for Transport Best Practice Guidance when considering whether a licence should be issued for a lesser period and that policy be amended to reflect this.


4. That a 5 year private hire operators licence be introduced and that licensing officers use the Department for Transport Best Practice Guidance when considering whether a licence should be issued for a lesser period and that policy be amended to reflect this.


5. That the associated changes affecting school transport licences be phased in linked to the expiry dates of current NYCC contracts.


Voting Record

24 For

0 Against

3 Abstentions

Supporting documents: