Venue: Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton
Contact: Lucy Furneaux 43294
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Delaney, Cllr Mackenzie substituting. |
Declarations of Interest Members to indicate whether they will be declaring any interests under the Code of Conduct.
Members making a declaration of interest at a meeting of a Committee or Council are required to disclose the existence and nature of that interest. This requirement is not discharged by merely declaring a personal interest without further explanation. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
That the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 29 November 2021 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Voting Record Carried by general affirmation |
Minutes of the Flood Management Working Party held on 9 December 2021 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Flood Management Working Party held on 9 December 2021 were received. |
Minutes of the Livestock Market Working Party held on 19 January 2022 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Livestock Market Working Party held on 19 January 2022 were received. |
Urgent Business To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chair considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: The Chair advised Committee that there was one item of urgent business regarding the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF). The fund will be available to support businesses affected by the pandemic who are ineligible for the existing business support linked to business rates which is administered by Local Authorities.
For the purpose of clarity and transparency, the Chair advised the Committee that due to the Government imposed deadline, the item will be presented to the next meeting of Full Council on 17 February 2022 rather than the next Policy & Resources Committee meeting on 17 March 2022.
Private Sector Housing Financial Assistance Proposed Policy Revisions Supporting documents: Minutes: Considered – report of the Programme Director of Place and Resources
Policy and Resources Committee:
Approves the flexible approach to the use of the
existing capital budget to ensure that the current array of
loan/grants can be utilised more effectively.
Approves the increase to the value of the Property
Improvement Loan from £7.5K to £15K and Landlord
Improvement Grants and Landlord Improvement Loans from £15K
to £20K. (iii) Approves the increase of the level of the low income threshold from £21K to £30K for the Ryedale Energy Saver Scheme.
Voting Record |
Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Q3 2021/22 Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Chief Finance Officer (s. 151)
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended that the content of the report is noted.
Voting Record Carried by general affirmation |
Ryedale's Financial Strategy 2022/23 Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Chief Finance Officer (s.151)
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended that Council agree the updated Financial
Strategy and in particular: (i) To note the Section 25 assurance statement provided by the Chief Finance Officer (s151) regarding the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the reserves and the risk assessment detailed in Section 10 of the Strategy
To approve a revenue budget of Revenue Budget for
2022/23 of £10,506k, after use of Reserves which
To approve a council tax charge of £210.53 for
a Band D property (note that total Council Tax, Including the
County Council, Fire and Police is covered within the separate
Council Tax setting report to Full Council)
To approve the special expenses amounting to
£57,430 (6.20 below)
To approve the revised Capital Programme (Appendix
6) (vi) To note the financial projection for 2022/23 – 2025/26
Voting Record 6 For 4 Against 0 Abstentions
Recorded Vote For Councillors J Andrews, Arnold, Burr, Frank, Keal, Potter Against Councillors Docwra, Duncan, Graham, Mackenzie |
Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/23 Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Chief Finance Officer (s. 151)
Recommendation to Council
That Council is recommended to approve:
Members receive this report;
The Operational Borrowing Limit for 2022/23 is set
at £7m;
The Authorised Borrowing Limit for 2022/23 is set at
Councillors delegate authority to the Chief Finance
Officer to effect movement within the agreed authorised boundary
limits for long-term borrowing for 2022/23 onwards.
Councillors delegate authority to the Chief Finance
Officer to effect movement within the agreed operational boundary
limits for long-term borrowing for 2022/23 onwards.
The treasury management strategy statement 2022/23
be approved.
The minimum revenue provision policy statement for
2022/23 be approved.
The treasury management investment strategy for
2022/23 be approved.
The prudential indicators for 2022/23 which reflect
the capital expenditure plans which are affordable, prudent and
sustainable be approved. (x) The Capital Strategy for 2022/23 be approved
Voting Record Carried by general affirmation |
Report on a Motion Referred from Council: Garden Waste Collection Service Supporting documents: Minutes: Considered – report of the Programme Director People and Resources
Recommendation to Council
Policy and Resources Committee recommends that:
The motion is not
supported and that decisions affecting the garden waste service are
informed by the new legislation expected under the Environment Act
2021. This will be subject to the outcome of the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) consultations on the
consistency of collections which propose that free garden waste
collections are provided by local authorities from
2023/24. (ii) There is no change to the current garden waste collection service and the price for the annual licence remains at £38 in 2022/23 (Option 1).
Voting Record 6 For 4 Against 0 Abstentions
Recorded Vote For Cllrs J Andrews, Arnold, Burr, Frank, Keal, Potter Against Cllrs Docwra, Duncan, Graham, Mackenzie |
Report on a Motion Referred from Council: Flood Management - Contribution Towards Yorkshire Water Permanent Solution for Norton Supporting documents: Minutes: Considered – report of the Head of Waste and Environment
Recommendation to Council
Policy and Resources Committee recommend that the motion is amended as follows:
To delete: “We call on Council to commit up to £2.5 million of reserves to contribute to partnership funding a permanent pumping solution for Norton to prevent surface water and sewer flooding occurring when water levels in the River Derwent are high.”
And replace with: “It is recommended that the Council agrees a contribution towards the Yorkshire Water Permanent Scheme for Norton of 20% of the total scheme costs to a maximum of £152,000 (based on total costs of £760,000). This funding will be allocated within the capital budget for 2022/23.”
Voting Record Carried by general affirmation |
Any other business that the Chair decides is urgent. Minutes: There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8:45pm. |