Venue: Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton
Contact: Ellen Walker 43455
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Burr, Cllr P Andrews substituting. |
Declarations of Interest Members to indicate whether they will be declaring any interests under the Code of Conduct.
Members making a declaration of interest at a meeting of a Committee or Council are required to disclose the existence and nature of that interest. This requirement is not discharged by merely declaring a personal interest without further explanation. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 29 July 2021 Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
That the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 29 July 2021 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Voting record 9 For 1 Abstention |
Minutes of the Local Plan Working Party meeting held on 5th August 2021 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Local Plan Working Party meeting held on 5 August 2021 were received. |
Minutes of the Livestock Market Working Party held on 16 August 2021 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Livestock Market Working Party meeting held on 16 August 2021 were received. |
Minutes of the Flood Management Working Party meeting held on 16 September 2021 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Flood Management Working Party meeting held on 16 September 2021 were received.
That an annual contribution of £5,000 is made to the Yorkshire Derwent Catchment Partnership in 2021/22 from the existing revenue budget. This contribution is to be reviewed annually in light of Local Government Reform.
Voting record Unanimous |
Minutes of the Livestock Market Working Party held on 21 September 2021 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Livestock Market Working Party meeting held on 21 September 2021 were received. |
Urgent Business To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chair considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were two items of urgent business (items 59 and 60), on decisions taken under urgency powers for reporting to Policy and Resources Committee at the earliest available opportunity. |
Appointment of Members of the Liberal Group on Sub-Committees and Working Parties To appoint Members from the Liberal Group to the following positions:
Minutes: The following nominations were provided by the Liberal Group:
That the nominees from the Liberal Group be appointed to the Sub-Committees and Working Parties outlined above.
Voting record The appointments were carried by general affirmation. |
Security Contract October 2021 Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Head of Customer Service and Communities
Committee approval is given, as required under Financial Regulation 13.9, to undertake procurement for security, based on an anticipated spend of approximately £50k per year, for a period of 2 years, with the option to extend for a further 12 months, and enter into a contract with the successful supplier following a compliant procurement process.
Voting record Unanimous |
Review of White Rose Home Improvement Agency Supporting documents: Minutes: Considered – report of the Programme Director for Economic Development, Business and Partnerships
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended that Council:
i. Notes the outcomes of the service update; ii. Agrees continuation of the partnership agreement with Scarborough Borough Council in respect of the White Rose Home Improvement Agency (WRHIA) for the period to 31st March 2023; iii. Agrees the key priorities for the agency.
Voting record The recommendation was carried by general affirmation |
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Measures - Railway Tavern and Future Council Schemes Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Programme Director for Economic Development, Business and Partnerships
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended that the content of the report is noted.
Voting record The recommendation was carried by general affirmation |
Ryedale's Financial Strategy 2021-25 Supporting documents: Minutes: Considered – report of the Chief Finance Officer (s.151)
Recommendation to Council
The Council is recommended to note the content of Appendix 1 of the report, which forms the basis of the Council’s Financial Strategy.
Council is also asked: i. to consider and approve the proposed areas for consultation with the public as set out in Appendix 2 of the report; ii. to note that a full draft consultation will be presented to P&R Committee in November and to agree that P&R will determine the final consultation; iii. to agree the timetable as set out below, including the dates of the public consultation.
Voting record 6 For 4 Abstentions
Recorded vote For Councillors J Andrews, P Andrews, Arnold, Frank, Keal and Potter Abstain Councillors Delaney, Docwra, Duncan and Graham |
A64 Update Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Programme Director of Economic Development, Business and Partnerships
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended that the motion to Council is agreed.
Voting record 8 For 2 Against |
Equality Policy Statement and Objectives Supporting documents:
Minutes: This item was moved and seconded and forwarded directly to Council for consideration.
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended to Council that: (i) Council endorses the content of the equality policy statement and objectives, so that they may be adopted into use.
(ii) Council notes that the policy statement and objectives form one part of the overall Equality Scheme for Ryedale District Council. The other parts of this Scheme include a detailed operational action plan (currently in draft pending approval of the policy statement and objectives) and associated operational appendices. The draft action plan will be updated following P&R and presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in September 2021, with progress against the action plan reviewed six monthly by that Committee.
Voting record The recommendation was carried by general affirmation |
Council Performance - Quarter 1 2021-2022 Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Strategy and Performance Manager
The comments of Cllr P Andrews that greater emphasis in future performance reports be given to the Local Plan Review were noted.
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended to Council that the Quarter 1 progress report is noted.
Voting record The recommendation was carried by general affirmation
Ryedale District Council Annual Report 2020/21 Supporting documents:
Minutes: Considered – report of the Strategy and Performance Manager
Recommendation to Council
It is recommended to Council that the 2020-21 Annual Report of progress against the Council Plan (2020-2024) is noted.
Voting record The recommendation was carried by general affirmation |
Caravan Site and Control of Development Act 1960 - Fit and Proper Person (F&PP) Test Supporting documents:
Minutes: This Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement to report was met. |
Structural Change Order Supporting documents: Minutes: This Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement to report was met.
It was requested that the comments of Cllr P Andrews that the proposed Area Committees should have budgets and parish representatives be invited to attend these meetings be recorded and followed up by the Chair in discussions on LGR.
Reprocurement of Capita Pay360 Cash Receipting System Supporting documents:
Minutes: This Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement to report was met. |
Any other business that the Chair decides is urgent. Minutes: There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9:15pm. |