Agenda and minutes

Policy and Resources Committee - Thursday, 18th March, 2021 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Contact: Ellen Walker  43455


No. Item



To elect a new Chairman of Policy and Resources Committee


It was moved by Councillor J Andrews and seconded by Councillor Riby that Councillor Clark be elected Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee.




That, subject to confirmation by Full Council, Councillor Clark be elected Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee until his successor becomes entitled to act as Chair.


Voting record

5 For

5 Abstentions


Councillor Clark thereupon took the Chair.


Vice Chairman

To elect a new Vice Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee


It was moved by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Duncan that Councillor Frank be elected Vice Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee.




That, subject to confirmation by Full Council, Councillor Frank be elected Vice Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee until her successor becomes entitled to act as Vice Chair.


Voting record



Apologies for absence


No apologies received.


Declarations of Interest

Members to indicate whether they will be declaring any interests under the Code of Conduct.


Members making a declaration of interest at a meeting of a Committee or Council are required to disclose the existence and nature of that interest.  This requirement is not discharged by merely declaring a personal interest without further explanation.


Councillor Burr declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest in item 9 (Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation) as an owner of some properties in the area and a personal, non-pecuniary interest in item 10 (Local Government Reorganisation) as a member of North Yorkshire County Council.


Councillor P Andrews declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest in item 9 (Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation) as a member of Malton Town Council.


Councillor Duncan declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest in item 10 (Local Government Reorganisation) as a member of North Yorkshire County Council.


Councillor J Andrews declared a personal, pecuniary and prejudicial interest in item 14 (Hungate Centre, CaVCA request for support). She left the meeting and took no part in the debate or vote on this item.


Minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2021

Supporting documents:




That the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 4 February 2021 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Recommendations from Grants Working Party held on 8 March 2021

Supporting documents:


Councillor Arnold proposed and Councillor Clark seconded to approve the recommendations of the Grants Working Party held on 8 March 2021.




That the recommendations of the Grants Working Party held on 8 March 2021 be approved.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Urgent Business

To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chairman considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was one item of urgent business regarding the creation of a Livestock Market Working Party. The reason for the urgency was that this is a key Council priority.



Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Supporting documents:


Considered – the report of the Planning and Development Manager.


It was agreed that the Planning Committee be consulted on the Malton & Norton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation and that their comments be considered by the Head of Planning & Regulatory Services in consultation with the Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee.


Councillor Burr proposed and Councillor Riby seconded the following amendment:


At the end of paragraph 6.4 add:


The neighbourhood plan needs to be aligned with the Ryedale Development Plan.




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation





(i)         The proposed response from paragraph 6.4 of the report is agreed as amended, to include the wording, “The neighbourhood plan needs to be aligned with the Ryedale Development Plan,” at the end of that paragraph, and that any further revisions are included by the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services and agreed in consultation with the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Local Government Reorganisation

Agenda item submitted by Councillor Clark under Committee Procedure Rule 32


That the Policy and Resources Committee:


(a)        calls for a Members’ briefing to take place at the earliest opportunity at which representatives of:


(i)         the District Councils who submitted the east/west reorganisation proposal be invited to deliver a presentation about their proposal;


(ii)        the North Yorkshire County Council be invited to deliver a presentation about their reorganisation proposal; and


(iii)       the City of York Council be invited to deliver a presentation setting out their views on the proposals.


(b)        Note that following the briefing the intention is to call a further special meeting in accordance with procedure rule 27 in order to discuss the presentations and consider making a recommendation to be considered by a full Council meeting to determine its consultation response, with sufficient time to submit it before the government’s deadline.


Considered – agenda item submitted by Councillor Clark under Committee Procedure Rule 32.




That the Policy and Resources Committee:


(a)        calls for a Members’ briefing to take place at the earliest opportunity at which representatives of:

(i)         the District Councils who submitted the east/west reorganisation proposal be invited to deliver a presentation about their proposal;

(ii)        the North Yorkshire County Council be invited to deliver a presentation about their reorganisation proposal; and

(iii)       the City of York Council be invited to deliver a presentation setting out their views on the proposals.


(b)       Note that following the briefing the intention is to call a further special meeting in accordance with procedure rule 27 in order to discuss the presentations and consider making a recommendation to be considered by a full Council meeting to determine its consultation response, with sufficient time to submit it before the government’s deadline.


Voting record

5 For

5 Against

Chair’s casting vote – For


Recorded vote


Councillors J Andrews, Burr Clark, Frank and Riby


Councillors Arnold, Delaney, Docwra, Duncan, Graham


It was proposed by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Andrews that Council Procedure Rule 8.1 be suspended to allow the meeting to continue past three and a half hours.


Voting record

6 For

3 Against

1 Abstention



Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review - Call for sites consultation

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services




It is recommended to Council that:


(i)         Members agree the appended Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review- Call for Sites Consultation material subject to an amendment to replace the word ‘sole’ with the word ‘main’ in paragraph 5 of the Draft Site Submission Form Template.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Statement of Community Involvement

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services




It is recommended to Council that:


(i)         Members agree the appended Statement of Community Involvement for implementation.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Exempt Information

To consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item 14 (Hungate Centre CaVCA request for support), item 15 (Update on Leisure Provision in Ryedale) and item 16 (Award of Contract for Server Renewal) as provided by paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


The public interest test has been considered and, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption is considered to outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.




To exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item 14 (Hungate Centre CaVCA request for support), item 15 (Update on Leisure Provision in Ryedale) and item 16 (Award of Contract for Server Renewal) as provided by paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


The public interest test has been considered and, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption is considered to outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.


Hungate Centre, CaVCA request for support


Considered – report of the Programme Director for Economic Development, Business and Partnerships


Councillor J Andrews left the meeting during consideration of this item and did not participate in the debate or the vote.


Councillor Clark proposed and Councillor Burr seconded an amendment to add point (v) stating:


That the matter be brought back to P&R Committee in the event that it does not proceed as planned.




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Councillor Clark proposed and Councillor Duncan seconded an amendment to add point (vi) stating:


The grant of up to a maximum of £25K is made to CaVCA on the conditions that (i) CaVCA will inform RDC or its following Council if the Hungate Centre is not being used for community purposes and (ii) if it is to be sold.




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Councillor Clark wished it to be noted in the minutes that he would like to thank officers on the speedy completion and timeliness of this report.




(i)         A grant of up to a maximum of £25k be made to CaVCA to address dilapidations that have been identified as needing to be addressed in the next 12 months in order to “make good” the building for the next five years.  These are set out in Appendix A6.  The grant has been set at this amount in order to cover the cost of addressing the issues raised in the conditions report (estimated at £20,025), plus VAT and a small contingency in view of the fact that the conditions report is based on estimates rather than firm quotations.  The precise amount of money to be transferred would be dependent upon receipt of a report with firm quotations, to a maximum of £25k.


(ii)        That the grant be drawn from the £200k set aside in capital reserves for community use in Pickering.


(iii)       That this grant be conditional on:

·                    CaVCA having the freehold and Trusteeship of the Hungate Centre for community use, as conferred by robust, satisfactory legal arrangements;

·                    Appropriate due diligence having been undertaken, in line with Ryedale District Council’s Community Grants criteria


(iv)       Repayment of the grant if the centre were to cease operating as a community facility within five years.


(v)       That the matter be brought back to P&R Committee in the event that it does not proceed as planned.


(vi)       The grant of up to a maximum of £25K is made to CaVCA on the conditions that (i) CaVCA will inform RDC or its following Council if the Hungate Centre is not being used for community purposes and (ii) if it is to be sold.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation


Update on Leisure Provision in Ryedale

Agenda item submitted by Councillor J Andrews under Committee Procedure Rule 32


Considered – agenda item submitted by Councillor Joy Andrews under Committee Procedure Rule 32.


The Programme Director for Economic Development, Business and Partnerships, provided a verbal update on Leisure Provision in Ryedale.


Award of contract for server renewal


This Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement to report was met.



Any other business that the Chairman decides is urgent.


This item was considered after item 12 (Statement of Community Involvement) before the meeting moved into exempt.




That a cross-party Working Party is created, with up to 9 Members, drawn from nominations from political groups.  Initial work to commence looking at existing paperwork to agree a way forward.  A report to be brought to the next meeting, to agree terms of reference and nominees, with capacity and resources being reviewed on an ongoing basis.


Voting record

Approved by affirmation


There being no other items of urgent business, the meeting closed at 11.00pm.