Issue - meetings

A64/Brambling Fields Improvement - Section 274 Agreement and Final Approval

Meeting: 07/10/2011 - Council (Item 54)

54 A64 Brambling Fields Junction Improvement - Final Approval and Section 274 and 278 Legal Agreement

Supporting documents:


The Head of Housing & Economy submitted a report (previously circulated) which, following the Council’s decision on the 3 November 2010 to allocate £2.37m towards the improvement of the A64 Brambling Fields junction, sought the final Member approval to deliver the A64 Brambling Fields junction improvement, in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, via a Section 274 and 278 legal agreement with the Highways Agency who would deliver the scheme.


A supplementary financial report from the Corporate Director (s151) had been circulated to Members.  This contained an additional recommendation.


Councillor Knaggs moved and Councillor Acomb seconded the officer recommendations in the report and the supplementary report.


Councillor Clark moved and Councillor Ward seconded an amendment to add the following wording to the end of recommendation (c):

(i)            These developer contributions to be sourced solely from the wards of Malton, Norton and Derwent.


A recorded vote was requested.  On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


For:  Councillors Clark, Richardson, Ward and Woodward.

Against:  Councillors Acomb, Andrews, Arnold, Mrs Burr, Mrs Cowling, Cussons, Mrs Denniss, Mrs Frank, Fraser, Mrs Goodrick, Hawkins, Hicks, Ives, Knaggs, Mrs Knaggs, Legard, Maud, Raper, Mrs Sanderson, Mrs Shields and Wainwright.

Abstention:  Councillor Mrs Hopkinson.


Councillor Woodward proposed and Councillor Clark seconded an amendment to add the following wording to the end of recommendation (c):

(i)            These developer contributions not to impact on the viability of provision of affordable housing.


Following advice from the Council’s Solicitor, the Chairman ruled this amendment out of order.


A motion was then moved and seconded that the question now be put and on being put to the vote this motion was carried.


A recorded vote was requested.  On being put to the vote, the original motion was carried.


For: Councillors Acomb, Arnold, Mrs Burr, Mrs Cowling, Cussons, Mrs Denniss, Mrs Frank, Fraser, Mrs Goodrick, Hawkins, Hicks, Ives, Knaggs, Mrs Knaggs, Legard, Raper, Mrs Sanderson, Mrs Shields and Wainwright.

Against:  Councillors Clark, Richardson, Ward and Woodward.

Abstentions:  Councillors Andrews, Mrs Hopkinson and Maud.






(a)        Ryedale District Council, in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, agrees to fund the Brambling Fields junction improvement scheme, as detailed in NYCC Decision No. C3/11/0492/CPO, on the A64 Trunk Road, apart from those costs to be covered through the agreed assistance of the Highways Agency, and commits to enter into a legal agreement under Sections 274 and 278 of the Highways Act 1980, as amended, with the Secretary of State for Transport and North Yorkshire County Council. This is  subject to confirmation that North Yorkshire County Council is willing to enter into the Section 274 and 278 legal agreement to jointly fund the Scheme and that progress made in the relocation of the protected species is considered satisfactory by Natural England;


(b)        Members authorise the Council Solicitor to on or before the 21 October 2011 negotiate and seal the section 274 and 278 Agreement on behalf of the Council;


(c)        Other than the £800K contribution from the NYCC Integrated Transport Capital Programme, the final  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54