Issue - meetings

Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review - Call for sites consultation

Meeting: 15/04/2021 - Council (Item 103)

103 Minute 53 - Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review - Call for sites consultation

Supporting documents:


It was moved by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Potter that the following recommendation be approved and adopted:


Members agree the appended Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review - Call for Sites Consultation material subject to an amendment to replace the word ‘sole’ with the word ‘main’ in paragraph 5 of the Draft Site Submission Form Template.


Upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.




Members agree the appended Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review - Call for Sites Consultation material subject to an amendment to replace the word ‘sole’ with the word ‘main’ in paragraph 5 of the Draft Site Submission Form Template be adopted.


Voting record

25 For

2 Abstentions


            Recorded vote


Councillors J Andrews, Arnold, Bailey, Brackstone, Burr, Clark, Cleary, Cussons, Delaney, Docwra, Duncan, Frank, Garbutt Moore, Goodrick, Graham, Hope, Keal, King, Mackenzie, Mason, Middleton, Oxley, Potter, Raine, Raper, Riby, Wass and Windress


            Councillors P Andrews and Thackray

Meeting: 18/03/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 53)

53 Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review - Call for sites consultation

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services




It is recommended to Council that:


(i)         Members agree the appended Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review- Call for Sites Consultation material subject to an amendment to replace the word ‘sole’ with the word ‘main’ in paragraph 5 of the Draft Site Submission Form Template.


Voting record

Approved by general affirmation