Agenda and draft minutes

Parish Liaison Meeting - Wednesday, 13th June, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions

Contact: Town Team 

No. Item




The Chairman welcomed representatives to the meeting and appropriate introductions were made.


Emergency Evacuation Procedure

The Chairman to inform Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation procedure.


The Chairman informed Members of the public of the emergency evacuation procedure.


Minutes of the last meeting of Parish Liaison held on 18 October 2017


Minutes of the last meeting of Parish Liaison held on 27 October 2017.




Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


GDPR Shared Experience

Matt North, Statutory Data Protection Officer for Ryedale, Veritau.


A presentation was given by Matt North, Statutory Data Protection Officer for Ryedale, Veritau.


A representative asked if Parish Council’s with websites hosted by RDC, would be supported to ensure online compliance to the new regulations.

Action: Community Officer to contact.




Planning Electronic Consultations

Karen Hood, Senior Customer Services Officer, RDC.


A presentation was given by Karen Hood, Senior Customer Services Officer RDC. As from the end of September 2018 all planning consultations will be sent electronically. Resources in the team are limited and providing paper copies is extremely time consuming and costly. The Community Team and the Planning Department will support Parishes throughout this change. There will be a guidance sheet with instructions and screen shots to aid first time users of the system and a drop in session will be held at RDC where staff can demonstrate the planning portal.


A representative asked if the change was compulsory and if Parish Councils could opt out and continue to received paper copies.

Karen responded that it will be compulsory and that no paper copies would be sent after September. However, any Parishes with concerns or barriers were urged to get in touch so that RDC can help.


A representative from a Parish Council already receiving electronic copies, explained how the process worked for them.


Streetscene Update

Chris Granger, Principal Specialist Operations, RDC.


A presentation was given by Chris Granger, Principal Specialist Operations, RDC. The Streetscene update included a recycling update, new vehicle update, new round update and information on the DBAW (Don’t be a waster) campaigns.


A representative expressed concern regarding recycling blowing out of the boxes and into the street, in bad weather.

Chris responded that nets are now supplied with all new boxes as standard but if anyone wanted a net or lid just to contact the office. Assisted collections are also provided for any disabled or elderly residents who struggle to put the bins out.


A representative expressed disappointment in the lack of the street sweeping throughout Ryedale.

Chris responded that due to staffing issues the street sweeping had got behind schedule. A dedicated member of staff was now in post, as are an external contractor, who can be called upon, when needed. Chris asked that representatives be understanding while the back log is worked through but going forward this service should be much improved.



Community First

Leah Swain, Chief Officer, Community First Yorkshire


A presentation was given by Leah Swain, Chief Officer, Community First Yorkshire. Leah gave an overview of the services Community First Yorkshire can provide.


A representative asked if the organisation was doing anything to help the issue of declining local health services.

Leah responded that the organisation was currently building better relationships with clinical commissioning groups, with the aim of getting into the health structure, where they can help influence change. 


Warm and Well SPOC

Laura Thomas, Warm and Well Project Coordinator & Benefits Adviser, Citizens Advice Mid-North Yorkshire


A presentation was given by Laura Thomas, Warm and Well Project Coordinator and Benefits Adviser, Citizens Advice Mid-North Yorkshire.

Laura gave an introduction to the service SPOC (single point of contact), how to access it and the help it can provide.


Warm Home Fund

Laura Thomas, Warm and Well Project Coordinator & Benefits Adviser, Citizens Advice Mid-North Yorkshire



A presentation was given by Laura Thomas, Warm and Well Project Coordinator and Benefits Adviser, Citizens Advice Mid-North Yorkshire.

Laura gave an update on the funding scheme available.



Questions and Comments from the floor


A representative expressed appreciation to the new Community Team and how well the team were working with communities, which was evident from the many areas of joint working discussed throughout the meeting.



Any Other Business


There was no other business.


The Chairman thanked all the presenters and representatives for attending.


The meeting closed at 8:40pm.


Link to presentations




Date of next meeting


The next Parish Liaison Meeting will be held on Wednesday 19 September 2018 in the Council Chamber at RDC.