Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions
Contact: Faye Snowden
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: The Chairman welcomed representatives to the meeting and appropriate introductions were made.
Emergency Evacuation Procedure The Chairman to inform Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation procedure. Minutes: The Chairman informed Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation procedure.
Minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Liaison Committee held on 23rd October 2013 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on 23rd October 2013 were presented.
That the minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on 23rd October 2013 be approved and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.
Matters Arising Minutes: There were no matters arising.
Individual Electoral Registration Update Simon Copley, Ryedale District Council. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager briefed the meeting on the transition to Individual Electoral Registration (IER) which was taking place over the summer.
A leaflet covering the key IER information was included with the agenda.
There were the following questions from the floor:
Q. A Parish representative asked if the information collected would be available to 3rd parties. A. No, residents can still opt out from the edited register.
Q. A District Councillor asked if before the 2015 elections, Candidates would receive the new roll? A. Yes, Candidates can apply for a copy of the roll.
Ryedale District Council Committee Structure Update Simon Copley, Ryedale District Council.
Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager briefed the meeting on the new committee structure for the Council.
LEADER programme A presentation from Amy Thomas – Programme Manager for the North York Moors Coast and Hills LEADER programme and Dee Mitchell – from the Coast Wolds Wetlands and Waterways LEADER programme
Minutes: A presentation was given by Amy Thomas – Programme Manager for the North York Moors Coast and Hills LEADER programme and Dee Mitchell – Coast Wolds Wetlands and Waterways LEADER programme. Leaflets giving more information and forms to put forward a project for consideration were available to collect after the meeting.
There were the following questions from the floor:
Q. A Parish representative asked if Malton and Norton were included in the programme? A. Yes, Malton and Norton fall together under the new urban definition.
Q. A Parish representative asked how the 40 Members had been selected? A. The Members were drawn from local community groups. The programme is open to everyone as long as the project falls within one of the six priority areas.
Q. A Parish representative asked if LEADER would cover the shortfall for the Wold division broadband project? A. The project is already in the strategy and it is hoped that the difference would be covered.
L.D.F - Sites Allocation D.P.D Update Jill Thompson, Ryedale District Council. Minutes: The Forward Planning Manager, updated the meeting on the progress of the LDF (Local Development Framework) site allocations.
There were the following questions from the floor:
Q. A Parish representative asked what happens to applications received before the allocations are agreed? A. Decisions on applications are made in line with national policy.
Q. A Parish representative asked if the Market Towns would be included in the consultation? A. Yes.
Q. A Parish representative asked if the number of houses being built now and leading up to the allocation of sites would be taken into account? A. Yes, the base date is 2012 – 2027.
Garden Waste Update Beckie Bennett, Ryedale District Council.
Minutes: The Streetscene Manager updated the meeting on the success of the new garden waste service and reported that the Council had seen a 40% participation in the first two weeks. This figure is better than expected. Leaflets and packs with more information were available for Parishes to take away.
There were the following questions from the floor:
Q. A Parish representative asked if fly tipping was being monitored? A. Yes, we do not expect to experience an increase.
Q. A Parish representative asked if as the service was doing better than expected, the money could be put back into the service to stop future increases in charges? A. Yes, this will be taken into account.
Q. A Parish representative asked if those that have not subscribed will have their bin taken away? A. Yes, we will notify the resident and then take the bin away later in the year.
Q. A Parish representative asked what would be done with the bins that are removed from properties? A. The bins will be reused or recycled depending on the current condition.
Q. A Parish representative asked what other option there was for residents who could not afford the new service? A. We encourage people to share bins to make it more affordable.
Q. A Parish representative asked if the price was reduced for charities? A. No there are no reductions.
Questions & Comments from the floor Norton Town Council – Dog Fouling.
Habton Parish Council and Pickering Town Council – Fracking. (NYCC are unable to attend this meeting).
Oswaldkirk Parish Meeting – Garden Refuse Collection
Minutes: There were the following questions from the floor:
Q. A Parish representative asked what help the Council could give with the issue of dog fouling?
A discussion took place regarding dog fouling.
The Chief Executive responded that the Council knew this was an issue across the District and that it requires enforcement. The Council offers a stencil to use, which can last up to 12 months, in areas where dog fouling is an issue. The Council will endeavour to tackle the issue.
Q. A Parish representative suggested there should be a name and shame consequence for repeated offenders. A. This would be a big deterrent and Parishes could ask the local media to get involved.
A number of Parishes requested that the Council hold a special meeting to provide the Parishes with more information on fracking. It was suggested that the Council contact NYMNPA (North York Moors National Park Authority) Mark Hill and Chris France who have done similar presentations which have been well received.
A discussion took place following the request.
The Chairman responded that the Council would endeavour to arrange a presentation on fracking for the Parishes.
Any Other Business Minutes: Q. A Parish representative asked NYCC Richard Marr why the grass cutting was carried out when the dandelions were full grown rather than when starting to flower to avoid the weed spreading. A. Richard Marr responded that the grass cutting was currently done twice a year and to cut earlier may have resulted in more cuts.
Q. A Parish representative asked NYCC Richard Marr if the Parishes could be given a map of the areas where NYCC will no longer be cutting, so that plans can be put in place early? A. Richard Marr responded that the Communications Officer will write to Parishes before the end of October this year confirming those areas within each Parish.
Q. A Parish representative asked if more information could be given on the filming of Parish meetings? A. The Chief Executive responded that the Council would endeavour to get further information to the Parishes.
Q. A Parish representative asked NYCC Richard Marr where the cuts to services would end as Parish Councils are having to do more themselves and this is costing them more money? A. Richard Marr responded that NYCC Highways was having to make cuts to services and that there was only a duty to cut the grass where safety is an issue.
Q. A Parish representative asked NYCC Richard Marr if money had been spent on filling potholes that were on the Tour de France route and if there were checks done on the quality of work? A. Richard Marr responded that money had been spent on the tour route from last year’s pot. Contractors have a procedure to follow when filling potholes and if this is not being followed please report to Highways.
Q. A Parish representative asked NYCC Richard Marr if Parishes could look at different contractors and if there would be issues with insurance cover? A. Richard Marr responded that as the work would be done on the public highway NYCC had to ensure that sufficient insurance was in place.
Q. A Parish representative asked NYCC Richard Marr if the Authority was aware of the amount of grass verges and the impact it would have letting verges go to waste? A. Richard Marr responded that the Authority was aware of the visual impact it would have.
The Chief Executive informed the meeting that there was a leaflet regarding the Lights Out World War One remembrance event to collect after the meeting. The information had also been sent to Parishes individually.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.55 pm.
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Parish Liaison Committee would be held on Wednesday 22 October 2014 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Ryedale House.
Minutes: The next meeting of the Parish Liaison Committee would be held on Wednesday 22 October 2014 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Ryedale House.