Agenda and minutes

Policy and Resources Committee - Thursday, 4th February, 2021 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual meeting

Contact: Ellen Walker  43455


No. Item


Apologies for absence


No apologies were received.


Declarations of Interest

Members to indicate whether they will be declaring any interests under the Code of Conduct.


Members making a declaration of interest at a meeting of a Committee or Council are required to disclose the existence and nature of that interest.  This requirement is not discharged by merely declaring a personal interest without further explanation.


Councillor Burr declared a personal, pecuniary and prejudicial interest in item 11 (Car Parking Strategy) as an owner of commercial properties in Ryedale.


Minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2020

Supporting documents:




That the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 12 November 2020 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Voting record



Minutes from the Local Plan Working Party held on 18 November 2020

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the Local Plan Working Party held on 18 November 2020 were received.


Urgent Business

To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chairman considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There were no items of urgent business.



Appointment of Working Parties and Sub Committees

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Head of Corporate Governance


Councillor Clark provided nominations for the Liberal Group and gave apologies for the lateness of these.






(i)         The terms of reference for working parties and sub-committees of the Policy and Resources Committee attached at Appendix 1 of the report be approved;


(ii)        That members and substitutes be appointed to working parties and sub-committees of the Policy and Resources Committee based on the allocation of seats set out in the Annex to the minutes.


Voting record


Supporting documents:


The Ryedale Plan - Local Plan Review

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Planning and Development Manager


Councillor Clark proposed and Councillor J Andrews seconded the following amendment:


At the end of the first bullet point in Stage 1: Pre-Production consultation and evidence gathering to inform the Review (Regulation 18), at Section 5 of the Local Development Scheme (Stages in the Review Process), add ‘and any major changes to RDC policy since 2012’, and under and additional bullet point add ‘Add public health and environmental baseline monitoring to the CIL list of infrastructure’.




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


Voting record

5 For

5 Against

Chair’s casting vote – Against


Councillor Clark proposed and Councillor J Andrews seconded the following amendment:


All planning applications for domestic and industrial properties are only approved with:

i)          Onsite energy production (solar PV panels and ground/air source heat pumps)

ii)         Onsite rainwater collection and storage

iii)         Insulation to BREEAM excellent standard

iv)        Other measures to reduce carbon emissions and reduce flooding in Ryedale




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


Voting record

5 For

5 Against

Chair’s casting vote – Against







(i)         In principle, the scope of the Local Plan review is limited to a partial review to ensure that development land supply is maintained and specific matters of policy conformity with national policy are addressed as a priority.


(ii)        The draft Local Development Scheme at Appendix 1 of the report is agreed to cover the broad timetable and scope of the review



Voting record

7 For

3 Abstentions



HR Policy Revision - Leave and Flexible Working Policies

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Head of Human Resources




That the revised policies are agreed for implementation.


Voting record



Milton Rooms Progress Report, and Grant Request

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Programme Director for Economic Development, Business and Partnerships


Councillor Burr proposed and Councillor Riby seconded the following amendment:


Replace the recommendation to Full Council at (iii) with ‘RDC will ring fence half a million pounds out of reserves to turn  the Milton rooms in to a multi-functional, multi-usage arts / dance destination in Ryedale for all Ryedale residents’ enjoyment.  A detailed report be drawn up with Officer support and presented to Council as soon as possible.’




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


Voting record

5 For

5 Against

Chair’s casting vote - Against


Decision of the Policy and Resources Committee




(i)         Progress against the Milton Rooms Working Party interim report set out in sections 6.3 – 6.6 of the report is noted.


(ii)        The Business Plan of the Milton Rooms Committee covering the period 2020-2023 is noted.


Recommendation to Full Council


Policy & Resources Committee recommends to council that it gives approval for capital funding of up to £193k to fund works outlined in section 6.11 of the report, subject to receipt of detailed plans, with delegated authority given to the Programme Director to release the funds on a phased basis, in consultation with the Chairman of Policy & Resources Committee.


Voting record

8 For

2 Abstentions


Car Parking Strategy

Supporting documents:


Councillor Burr left the meeting during consideration of this item and did not participate in the debate or vote.


Considered – report of the Programme Director of Economic Development, Business and Partnerships




It is recommended to Full Council that


(i)         The Car Parking Strategy 2021-2026 is endorsed.


(ii)        Delegated authority is given to the Programme Director for Economic Development, Business and Partnerships to progress specific implementation activities in line with the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, following the completion of individual assessments and subsequent agreement of the Section 151 Officer and Head of HR that they represent a return on investment and can be progressed within available staffing resources.


(iii)       That consultation with the Chair of Policy & Resources Committee in line with required financial procedures occurs prior to the Programme Director progressing specific implementation activities once they are established as representing a return on investment and able to be progressed within available staffing resources.


Voting record



Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring - Q3 2020/21

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Chief Finance Officer (s.151)




It is recommended that Council:


i)          Notes the contents of the report


Voting record



Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2021/22

Supporting documents:


Considered – report of the Chief Finance Officer (s.151)




That Council is recommended to approve:


(i)         Members receive this report;


(ii)        The Operational Borrowing Limit for 2021/22 is set at £7m;


(iii)       The Authorised Borrowing Limit for 2021/22 is set at £12.5m;


(iv)       Councillors delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to effect movement within the agreed authorised boundary limits for long-term borrowing for 2021/22 onwards.


(v)        Councillors delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to effect movement within the agreed operational boundary limits for long-term borrowing for 2021/22 onwards.


(vi)       The treasury management strategy statement 2021/22 be approved.


(vii)      The minimum revenue provision policy statement for 2021/22 be approved.


(viii)     The treasury management investment strategy for 2021/22 be approved.


(ix)       The prudential indicators for 2021/22 which reflect the capital expenditure plans which are affordable, prudent and sustainable be approved.


(x)        The Capital Strategy for 2021/22 be approved.


Voting record



Ryedale's Financial Strategy 2021-25

Supporting documents:


At 10:00pm it was proposed by Councillor Duncan and seconded by Councillor Arnold that standing orders be suspended to enable the meeting to continue.


Upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.




That standing orders be suspended to enable the meeting to continue.


Voting record




Considered – report of the Chief Finance Officer (s.151)


Councillor Duncan proposed and Councillor Docwra seconded the following amendment:


Replace recommendation (iii) with ‘To freeze Council Tax at the current level and therefore approve a council tax charge of £200.73 for a Band D property (note that total Council Tax, Including the County Council, Fire and Police is covered within the separate Council Tax setting report to Full Council). This would mean a further call on reserves of £109k to balance the budget’




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.


Voting record

8 For

2 Against


            Recorded vote


            Councillors Arnold, Burr, Delaney, Docwra, Duncan, Frank, Graham and Riby


            Councillors J Andrews and Clark





That Council is recommended to agree the updated Financial Strategy and in particular:


(i)         To note the Section 25 assurance statement provided by the Chief Finance Officer (s151) regarding the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the reserves and the risk assessment detailed in Section 10 of the Strategy


(ii)        To approve a revenue budget of Revenue Budget for 2021/22 of £9,600k, after use of Reserves which includes


            a.  Savings/additional income totalling £377k (Financial Strategy Appendix 3)

            b.  Growth Pressures totalling £971k (Financial Strategy Appendix 4)

            c.  One-off contingency to support COVID costs amounting to £787k, funded from reserves

            d.  One-off maintenance costs of £55k funded from reserves


(iii)       To freeze Council Tax at the current level and therefore approve a council tax charge of £200.73 for a Band D property (note that total Council Tax, Including the County Council, Fire and Police is covered within the separate Council Tax setting report to Full Council). This would mean a further call on reserves of £109k to balance the budget


(iv)       to approve the special expenses amounting to £54,090


(v)        to approve the revised Capital Programme (Appendix 6)


(vi)       to note the financial projection for 2020/21 – 2024/25


(vii)      to note that there may be a need to revisit the budget mid-year, in the light of changing circumstances such as potential continuing costs relating to COVD or other unquantifiable pressures, and that any future proposals will be brought forward on a case-by-case basis


Voting record

8 For

2 Against


Recorded vote


            Councillors Arnold, Burr, Delaney, Docwra, Duncan, Frank, Graham and Riby


            Councillors J Andrews and Clark


Exempt information

To consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item 16 (Proposal for Light Industrial Starter Units), item 17 (Agree the Development of a Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels under the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG), item 18 (Agree the Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels under the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open) Discretionary Scheme, Tier 2), item 19 (Agree a Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels under the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open) Scheme), and item 20 (Agree the Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels under the Additional Restrictions Grant (Discretionary) Scheme for Tier 3 and National Lockdown for 31 December Onwards),  as provided by paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


The public interest test has been considered and, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption is considered to outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.




To exclude the press and public from the meeting for discussion of the following items 38 (Proposal for Light Industrial Starter Units), 39, 40, 41 and 42 (To Receive Committee Level Decisions made under Urgency Powers, as required under the Constitution) as provided by paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


The public interest test has been considered and, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption is considered to outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.


Proposal for Light Industrial Starter Units


Considered – report of the Programme Director of Economic Development, Business and Partnerships


Councillor Duncan proposed and Councillor Arnold moved the following motion:


It is recommended to Council that:


i)          Recommendation a. as set out in the report is approved, subject to:

i.        the outcomes of an investment appraisal (to be reported to Council on 18 Feb 21); and

ii.        the Developer committing to undertake development of the wider site.


ii)         Recommendation b. as set out in the report is approved


Councillor Clark proposed and Councillor J Andrews seconded the following amendment:


Before a i., a ii. b i. and b ii., insert:

A          Officers produce a detailed analysis of:-

i.          The carbon emissions of the project             

                        -  in construction

                        -  in use

ii.          The carbon impact of fitting solar p.v. panels to all units.

iii.         The carbon impact of fitting ground/air source heat pumps to all units.

iv.        The carbon impact of fitting insulation to BREEAM Excellent standard and above to all units.

v.         The impact/saving of fitting rainwater collection and storage systems to all units.

vi.        The cost of each of the above

-           Fitted at construction stage

-           Retrofitted.

vii.        The savings in running costs for each of the above.

viii.       The rental value of each of the above.

ix.        What materials will be used for the proposed construction? Are these the most efficient in climate change terms?

B          Calls upon the LEP to only support proposals that are either Carbon Neutral or preferably Carbon Negative.

If not, RDC’s confidence in the LEP’s ability to deliver climate change policies could be reduced – potentially impacting the support of the LEP by RDC in the future.




Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


Voting record

4 For

5 Against




It is recommended to Council that:


i)          Recommendation a. as set out in the report is approved, subject to:

            i.           the outcomes of an investment appraisal (to be reported to Council on                    18 February 2021); and

            ii.          the Developer committing to undertake development of the wider site.


ii)         Recommendation b. as set out in the report is approved


Voting record

7 For

2 Against


Agree the Development of a Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels under the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG)


The Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement was met.


Agree the Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels under the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open) Discretionary Scheme, Tier 2


The Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement was met.


Agree a Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels under the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open) Scheme


The Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement was met.


Agree the Policy, Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Grant Award Levels Under the Additional Restrictions Grant (Discretionary) Scheme for Tier 3 and National Lockdown for 31 December 2020 Onwards


The Committee level decision made under urgency powers was received and the Constitutional requirement was met.


Any other business that the Chairman decides is urgent.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 10:45pm.