Issue - meetings

Ryedale Major Projects

Meeting: 20/06/2013 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 9)

9 Ryedale Development Fund - Major Projects

Supporting documents:


Recommendation to Council


That Council is recommended to approve that:


i. Subject to the specified conditions being met, delegation be granted to the Head of Economy and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, to award up to £25k of the RDF Major Projects funding towards the progression of each of the following initiatives:

   a) Malton Livestock Market – (This award to be as an interest free loan)

   b) Milton Rooms Improvement

   c) Fera Applied Innovation Campus; and


ii. That a report be presented to a future meeting of this Committee to consider the remaining funding for the deferred projects;  Employment Land at Pickering, Investigation of a Kirkbymoorside Engineering Park, High Speed Broadband to Ryedale Business Parks, Expansion of Derwent Training and A64 Improvements.


NB. Councillor Woodward requested that his vote against this recommendation be recorded.