Issue - meetings

Appointment of Working Parties

Meeting: 20/06/2013 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 6)

Appointment of Working Parties

The Committee is requested to appoint Members to the following Working Parties/Sub-Committee.


a.    Senior Management Contracts Working Party

The Leader of the Council. Chairman of Policy and Resources, Vice Chairman of Policy and Resources, Chairman of Commissioning Board and the Staff Champion.


b.    Resources Working Party

Politically proportionate:  5 Conservatives, 2 Liberals, 1 Liberal Democrat and 1 Independent.


Members appointed at Annual Council on 16 May 2013 for the 4 June 2013 meeting were Councillors Mrs Cowling, Acomb, Clark, Mrs Goodrick, Ives, Mrs Keal, Legard, Maud and Woodward.


c.    Sub Committee – Appeals Panel

Chairman of Policy and Resources, Staff Champion and Vice Chairman of Policy and Resources.


In the absence of any of these Members, the panel to consist of 3 Members to be appointed by the Chief Executive in Consultation with the Chairman of Policy and Resources, or in the Chairman’s absence, the Vice Chairman, from the current membership of the Policy & Resources Committee (including any substitute members).  The Panel to meet as and when required.  Such a panel to consist of two Members of the Conservative Group and one Member of another Group.


Terms of reference of the Sub Committee


To determine appeals in relation to the following matters:


·         To determine appeals against dismissal on disciplinary cases.

·         Any other appeal to Members which is currently within the Council’s policies and procedures.





That the following Members be appointed to the following Working Parties/Sub Committees for the municipal year 2013-14.


Senior Management Contracts Working Party

The Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader of the Council, Vice Chairman of Policy and Resources, Chairman of Commissioning Board and the Staff Champion.


Resources Working Party

Councillors Mrs Cowling, Acomb, Clark, Mrs Goodrick, Ives, Mrs Keal, Legard, Maud and Woodward.

In addition it was AGREED to appoint substitute Members to the Resources Working Party, and Group Leaders would advise of the appointments in due course.  The next meeting of the Resources Working Party would take place on Tuesday 10 September at 6.30pm, and the timings and timetable for the remaining meetings was to be set by the Resources Working Party at the September meeting.


Sub Committee – Appeals Panel

Chairman of Policy and Resources, Staff Champion and Vice Chairman of Policy and Resources.


In the absence of any of these Members, the panel to consist of 3 Members to be appointed by the Chief Executive in Consultation with the Chairman of Policy and Resources, or in the Chairman’s absence, the Vice Chairman, from the current membership of the Policy and Resources Committee (including and substitute members).  The panel to meet as and when required. Such a panel to consist of two Members of the Conservative Group and one Member of another Group.